I am by far the most me I've ever known
So you clicked on ‘More about me’, bit of a stalker there? Well, if you are here already and interested in my fascinating life story, just scroll along the timeline to get to know me intimately and understand the inner workings of a mastermind.
Highlights ⭐
1988: Saw the light and came into existence. It was kind of a big mess to be honest.
1990: First steps were made.
1995: The family got a new computer and I was officially stuck to it from then on.
1996: Early goal found to be a professional Playstation player.
1997: Fell in love with Space Jam.
1999: Was totally unprepared for Y2K.
2000: Switched school and found new dreams of what to be when I grow up.
2002: Organised a waffle sale to fund a couple of computers and start an official class in school to learn how to use them. Then decided together with my friends that playing games is good for your mental health.
2003: Started playing basketball in competition.
2005: Decided school wasn't for me and quit at the age of 17.
2006: Tried my own way to work and get educated.
2007: Moved and started a company of my own.
2008: Started a course on gamedesign.
2009: Realised I love playing games, not making them. My own company up and running - clearly more for me than school.
2010: Bought my first car.
2010: Moved again.
2011: Started working for my boss as a webdesigner & webdeveloper.
2011: Bought my second car.
2012: Started teaching adults.
2014: Still working, still teaching and now finally smug enough to make my own tutorials.
2015: Switched jobs. Working in a bigger team.
2015: Got completely obsessed with Dungeons & Dragons.
2016: Extended the family by one cat.
2017: Found a new job at Yappa.
2018: Found our own little house to rent.
2019: Cat number two joins the family.
2020: Switched to Mediasoft.
2021: Joined the great rollercoaster called cryptocurrency.
2022: Started working on my very own online application.
2023: Adopted our first dog.