Shit code only warrants more shit code
TL;DR: bad code is only bad code if it hinders your user or programmers working on it in any way. But nothing is black and white. That hindrance is measured in degrees. Some degree is acceptable and expected.
Where to start
I love spaghetti. Both the food and the code. However, I don’t like it as a result or something you should plan to have in finishedprojects, but merely as a necessary step. A step that a lot of people write off as plain bad. I’d say that statement is as useless as claiming that if you are drawing you can’t sketch something quickly, but rather you should draw your final result in one go.

Spaghetti code is a pejorative piece of information technology jargon that is caused by factors like unclear project scope of work, lack of experience and planning and an inability to conform a project to programming style rules. -Wikipedia
Planning is key
You can’t just dive into any project by just typing code now, can you? Wait, why not? Because people told you so? Of course you can! But in most cases it’s not a good idea. Because you’ll write a lot of code that wasn’t foreseen for certain features. So you’ll have to refactor those code blocks. They might get messy and inconsistent. Having a plan will avoid those roadblocks and lower technical debt. But it won’t prevent or fix it. Planning your “general” goal by defining scope and technical specs will always help, but you’ll need to, at some point, rework some things. Without exception. You don’t want those things to be the majority but there is no avoiding it. So having experience in this field is important, otherwise you’ll loose to much time when it eventually happens.
Duck tape personal projects
We don't always know what we're doing. Surprising, I know. In most cases we learn and evolve and don't make the same mistakes over and over. In some cases, however, we do keep making the same mistakes and just get smarter about it: we assign it to a co-worker. There is always a solution. What we need to do is train ourselves to find a solution. This is where personal projects are a good option. I am not going to tell you that you absolutely need to do dev projects next to your main job, but I strongly recommend it. Personal projects are where a lot of my creativity goes to die. I know that sounds grim, but it is not. It's essential for me because I learn so much in the process. Sometimes it's just about how not to do something. You can choose to learn on the job, but the margins are slim and deadlines tend to creep on you really fast. You really seldomly have time during your day-to-day to improve yourself and look back over code to see what went wrong or what could be better. Additionally, you don't ascertain information as well under stress. This often results in you learning the wrong, "hacky" solutions.
Bad code isn’t always bad
Defining bad code is probably one of the most opinioned things to read online. What actually makes code "bad"? Nothing. It’s a terrible adjective. It’s incorrect and subjective and code isn’t. What is most important is that bad code != bad coder. An experienced developer with a highly paid job and freelance projects by the side could write non-optimal code. Their code could be more performant, readable, reusable. Sometimes we all take shortcuts, based on our situation. I think it's important not to get deflated by this. Write bad code, be upset that you don't get given the time to improve it and then learn from it. Your unperformant code could be perfectly readable. Optimally you combine this with our previous step and learn from this "bad" code and improve it in your own projects.
What is shit
I thought "bad" was a terrible adjective, why are we now calling code "shit"?! Well. Shit code is something else. It's that code written by the "smart" person in the office. Code only they can alter and nobody else. It's code that doesn't make sense because of naming conventions or line breaking choices because they are "cooler". Blocks of code that are repeated by copy/paste and every time slightly altered. Undocumented and/or uncommented code. Code which, when you get it assigned to you, you look at and go: "Shit". I need to adjust one colour and it'll take me 30 minutes to sift through and figure this out. This function is broken, so I'll have to go and ask Josh because he's the only one in the company who knows how to fix it. Which he then does in 2 minutes, but he can't explain the fix to you, because you wouldn't get it. Don't be a Josh. Consider that people will have to pick up your slack when you're out or busy or leave the company. Be a teamplayer instead.
Shit consequences
Having "bad" code in a company is simple. You might lose some time having to fix it. Often it is a self-fixing problem, however. If the developer gains understanding as to why they should be avoiding this triple "for" loop or seemingly infinite nesting of your CSS selectors, they often will do exactly that. Over time, the code only gets better and better. They pass the message along and the general bar of quality of the project/company gets raised a bit. "Shit" code on the other hand does the opposite. It creates smaller groups of people with specific knowledge and an atmosphere where asking questions can be followed up by criticism. This behaviour only leads to negative results that manifset in very different ways. "Shit" people, smart or capable as they are, write shit code and have a way of ruining the experience for others. We should allow bad code to experience lessons learned and avoid shit code wherever we can.